ROCKY TOP GAME CON 2025! May 23rd through May 25th

Major Tabletop Tournament Events for 2025

Rocky Top Rumble 40k Super Major 2025

Join us in good ole Rocky Top Tennessee for our 5th installment of Rocky Top Game con! Make history as you participate in Knoxville’s Warhammer 40K super-major! Compete in a games workshop official world qualifying event!

Rocky top Rumble is not your average 40k major. It’s also a 3-day convention that will include TCG events, cosplay, vendors, a free-to-play board game library, retro video games, panels, and more. Our miniature events will all be tracked for ITC battle points and Hobby track. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Register here now!

Battle In the Smokey Mountains AOS GT 2025

More to come on this event soon!

Star Wars Legion 2025 Hosted by STAB Cast

Get your laser sword on! Warfare is an inescapable part of the Star Wars universe, from the blow dealt to the Rebel Alliance in the Battle of Hoth to a few Rebel strike teams taking on a legion of stormtroopers stationed on Endor.

Join us at the Rocky Top Game Con 2024 for the ultimate in Star Wars Legion competitive play. Beautiful terrain, wonderfully organized, this event has been a hit every year since its inception.

Register here now!

Not just majors, see all of our other events here


2/10/25 Sponsored Event Game Knight Warhammer 40k GT

Rocky Top is proud to support and sponsor Game Knight Warhammer 40,000 Grand Tournament! Their roster is almost full, but it’s not too late! Contact them directly for more information! We are giving out a 40k Rocky Top major ticket as prize support to this event! In addition thier event will provide great practice to our event of 140 players where we are giving out 2 GW golden Tickets In Knoxville TN at Chilhowee Park & Exposition Center 

Follow Game Knight on thier socials!

The shop’s Facebook page:
Facebook event page for the tournament:

Announcement thread on Warhammer Competitive on Reddit:

Get your tickets For Rocky Top at today!

Magic the Gathering Commander

Details to be announced soon!

Latest Updates

We now have a Convention Discord server!!!!

Join at

Get your tickets to Rocky Top Game Con here today!

Located at the Jacobs Building in Chilhowee Park, Knoxville

3301 E Magnolia Ave, Knoxville, TN 37914

Rocky Top Game Con Rules of Play

Rocky Top Game Con is a service/product  provided by The Play Promoter LLC

Mission Statement:

Rocky Top Game Con’s goal is to provide entertainment through providing an all inclusive environment to play Board games, table top games, painting classes and more. Through these activities our goal is to enrich the community by providing games of skill that help to improve social interactions, and critical thinking. We hope to use our show as a bolster for small and local  businesses in the gaming industry. In order to ensure a safe, fair and all inclusive environment all of our staff members and volunteers endeavor to help provide the following guidelines.

Rules of Play:

Rocky Top Game Con seeks to protect the safety of its guests and show participants. Entrance into the show by ticket holders or otherwise permissible attendees is granted by a limited revokable license and is revocable at the sole discretion of The Play Promoter LLC. As a condition of entrance to the Show, all persons are subject to a search of their person and or personal belongings for safety. All Decisions Rocky Top Game Con are final. Full information on the the convention can be found below

Prohibited items:

  • Animals and pets (Service Animals excepted)
  • Coolers
  • Drones and any UAV
  • Fireworks
  • Food and Beverages
  • Arrow Tips
  • Pole Arms or Staffs with metal tips
  • Professional or Commercial Cameras, GoPros, Selfie Sticks, Tripods, Bipods, Monopods, Recording or Video equipment
  • Sporting equipment: balls, frisbees, hoola-hoops, skate boards, bicycles, hoverboards; Sporting equipment scooters and skates.
  • Laser pointers
  • No outside  alcohol or drugs what so ever are permitted

Part 1: Decorum Policy 

  • Respect for the individual
  • Respect authority of the show: If you are asked by staff of the show to make adjustments there are good reasons. While our requests will be fair and mutually beneficial, we ask that you trust us and follow our instructions when something comes up during the show.
  • Respect for neighbor 
  • If a vendor is busy with a customer please allow them to do their business
  • If a vendor closes their booth early stay outside of their booth space at all times
  • We are not liable for your merchandise: we do not penalize  Vendors for packing up early either during any of the days of the show or if they decide to leave the show all together. However, if you leave your booth undentaded you do so at your own risk so please pack up you materials and product securely.
  • Please review the list of vendors that will be attending our show before purchasing a booth. If there is a known issue with one of the vendors prior to the show please address that concern to the staff at Rocky Top and we will address the issue on a case by case bases. You can contact staff by emailing
  • Under the age of 13 must have a guardian present with them at all times
  • Only authorized vendors may sell Rocky Top game con merchandise at any point. An authorized vendor is one that has acquired permission to sell Rocky Top Game Con merchandise via signed documents that is written from the Play Promoter LLC

Part 2: Anti Descrimnation Policy

Rocky Top Game Con is a convention dedicated to propping up the gaming community in Tennessee. We are a no cliques all inclusive community that encourages and celebrates diversity. We have a zero tolerance policy on hate speech or groups/organizations that encourage hate and violence. Any symbols of hate or associated with organizations or groups that support hate found on clothing, tatoos, jewelry, bags, miniatures or any where else that can be made seen to the public will result in removal from event and could result in permanent ban from any events associated with CPPG, Rocky Top Game Con, or The Play Promoter LLC. Any Hate speech will be met with the same disciplinary above. 

  • What constitutes hate speech? Degrading comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity.
  • What constitutes a hate group?Any group that promotes violence against race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender or identity.
  • If an issue that violates one of our vendors policies comes up during or before the show or even after the show please notify a staff member of Rocky top directly so we can resolve during, in the future but preferably retroactively in order order to insure a safe and fun environment for all  

Part 3 Dress Code Policy 

  • Costumes are welcomed and encouraged.
  • All costumes should be in good taste. Patrons attending the Show must be properly attired and wear shoes at all times. The Play Promoter LLC reserves the right to require a patron to add or change to a different attire as deemed appropriate for Rocky Top Game Con. Any guest that refuses to comply will be prohibited from entrance or asked to leave without refund. Costume masks that cover the forehead to the nose are acceptable if the eyes can be seen and the wearer’s vision is not impaired. The Play Promoter management reserves the right to refuse any weapon or costume weapon that is deemed to be inappropriate, unsafe, or that cannot be sheathed and peace-tied.
  • No costumes may exhibit or display any hate symbols (see anti discimination policy  for definitions of hate speech)

Part 4 Pets and Service Animals:

  • Pets or animals of any kind are not allowed at the show  and are never to be left in parked vehicles
  • Approved Service animals for Rocky Top Game Con patrons and guests are an exception and welcome within most areas of the show.
  • Service Animal owners are responsible for providing food and water for their dogs. Additional water is available in the First Aid Stations if needed
  • Approved Service Animals must be under their owner’s control at all times and on a leash or harness no longer than 4 (four) feet
  • Owners must bring their own plastic bags for cleaning and disposing of Service Animal waste. Please dispose of waste in our trash receptacles
  • Service Animals must be up to date with their vaccinations.

Part 5 Media:

  • Cameras, Video, Audio, and Digital Equipment Usage: Small personal cameras are permitted, but are subject to inspection. Photos may be taken for your personal use only Video cameras and tripods are not permitted except for pre-approved media workers who have provided credentials
  • Media that wish to cover Rocky Top Game Con must make a request in advance of the planned attendance date. Please contact us by email Pre-approved Media must have their media credentials visible during their visit to the show
  • Note: All film, digital, and recording rights are reserved. Commercial film, digital, and sound recordings rights with respect to  Rocky Top Game Con, The Play Promoter LLC and performers and staff are reserved.
  • Commercial use of any photographs, digital images, audio, tape, or video recordings of Rocky Top Game Con without the express written consent of The Play Promoter LLC is strictly Prohibited 

By Purchasing a Ticket for the show, an event at the show or a booth at the show you are agreeing to the Rules of Play.